What does MERN Stack mean?

M – Mongo DB
E – Express JS
R – React JS
N – Node JS

MERN Stack is JavaScript based most advanced technology platform where dynamic, scalable, and complex applications can be develop. To develop the server side or backend of the application Node JS and Express JS are being used. Mogo DB is the most popular and powerful no SQL database is being used. To develop the front end of the application, React JS (Developed by Facebook) is being used. Overall, the combination of the technology is most advance, secure, and scalable by which most complex project can be done.

What does MERN Stack mean?

M – Mongo DB
E – Express JS
R – React JS
N – Node JS

MERN Stack is JavaScript based most advanced technology platform where dynamic, scalable, and complex applications can be develop. To develop the server side or backend of the application Node JS and Express JS are being used. Mogo DB which is being used which is most popular and powerful no SQL database. To develop the front end of the application, React JS which is developed by Facebook is being used. Overall, the combination of the technology is most advance, secure, and scalable by which most complex project can be done.

Why do choose MERN Stack development for your project?

MERN is a modern software stack combination of most powerful Java Script Framework and NoSQL database to develop dynamic, flexible and reliable web and mobile application. It has extensive library and great developers support community. The bundle of power-packed Java Script technologies can deliver high efficiency and robust performance such as complex projects that handle large number of traffic. Its flexible development and code-reusability bring one steps ahead comparing with other technologies. Event-driven development environment and scalable architecture make faster and better performance. Last but not least it is end to end development process based on Java Script Language.

Why choose MERN Stack development for your project?

MERN is a modern software stack combination of most powerful Java Script Framework and NoSQL database to develop dynamic, flexible and reliable web and mobile application. It has extensive library and great developers support community. The bundle of power-packed Java Script technologies can deliver high efficiency and robust performance such as complex projects that handle large number of traffic. Its flexible development and code-reusability bring one steps ahead comparing with other technologies. Event-driven development environment and scalable architecture make faster and better performance. Last but not least it is end to end development process based on Java Script Language.

Why choose MERN Stack development for your project?

MERN is a modern software stack combination of most powerful Java Script Framework and NoSQL database to develop dynamic, flexible and reliable web and mobile application. It has extensive library and great developers support community. The bundle of power-packed Java Script technologies can deliver high efficiency and robust performance such as complex projects that handle large number of traffic. Its flexible development and code-reusability bring one steps ahead comparing with other technologies. Event-driven development environment and scalable architecture make faster and better performance. Last but not least end to end development process based on Java Script Language.

What does it make SOFTFY one of the best MERN Stack development company?

Having dedicated experienced java script development team, we always make sure that web development project is top-notch solution that reflect your business objectives within short time. We are using agile or waterfall methodology during development phase depends on client’s requirements and project complexity itself. We are providing best price in the market while ensuring the best quality of software. No mater the projects from any domain such as healthcare, entertainment, banking, e-commerce or others our dedicated experienced Java Script developers are capable to deliver best solution in compliance to the projects needs.

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SOFTFY has helped us to developed our E-Commerce website and make it live less than one month. We are getting sustainable number of traffic every month after 5 months efforts of doing SEO. They are doing a good job for Google PPC. We are completely satisfied and we would like to say thank you all.

Brian M. Shortt


I just wanted to take this chance to thank you all at SOFTFY for your great services and all of your hard work. We contacted with them to work with one of our full stack project. The project was bit complex; however, we did a successful job together. Hope we will work together for our next projects.

Vanessa S. McLean

Project Manager, Nobil Tech

Thought our partnership with SOFTFY, we are having extraordinary conversion result and we just love that. Their customer services are more professional and we will certainly use their services for years than come. SOFTFY comes highly recommended by us.

Md Mizanur Rahman

Director, MFASN